Design + Strategy
Transit Choices Final_V3_Page_01.png

Transit Choices

Transit Choices

The Problem.

For this project, our class partnered with Transit Choices, a nonprofit organization that promotes the development of a comprehensive, efficient, and effective mass transit system in Baltimore. We helped Transit Choices garner more support, both in numbers and in fundraising dollars. While Transit Choices is well respected in the transportation arena, the organization is virtually unknown to actual transit users. We wanted to engage users on an emotional level by educating them about transit issues and providing them with tangible benefits to improve their transit experience.

The Process.

We interviewed a variety of stakeholders, developed personas, created solutions, and tested our ideas as part of a presentation to Transit Choices' founder and director.

The Solution.

Our mission was to elevate Transit Choices’ public profile with everyday transit users through an ambitious marketing schedule for 2017, “We Help You Get There,” that will promote the organization as a central voice on transit issues. Each of the five transit modes (bus, rail, walking, biking, water taxi) is the focus of a two-month period during the year, with the remaining two months dedicated to awareness for the Transit Choices organization itself. Each two-month period has the same campaign components: a public relations piece, presence at a local event, distribution of a printed, multi-modal map, and an infographic or artistic advertising campaign.